72 West Motors and RVs
1743 W. Highway 72
Fredericktown, MO 63645
P#: 573-783-6500
72 West Motors and RVs
MSRP $42,666
OUR PRICE $25,857

2025 Prime Time Tracer Touring Edition 170RS

Features:  Front Bed, Mid Bath
MakePrime Time
BrandPrime Time
TypeTravel Trailer
Stock ID525795
ConditionNew In Stock
UVW4,269 lbs
Dry Hitch585 lbs
CCC1,416 lbs
Length (ft,in)23''
Width (ft,in)8''
Height (ft,in)10'' 10"
Tanks (gal)F:42.00 G:34.00 B:34.00
Awnings (ft)1:15.00 2:0.00 3:0.00

This is a NEW 2025 Prime Time Tracer Touring Edition 170RS Travel Trailer on the lot at 72 West Motors and RVs.

If interested please call us at 573-783-6500, scan the QR code below or visit: